Pre/Post Partum Therapy Services in Chattanooga & Cleveland, TN
Pre/Post Partum Therapy
Patients who are both pregnant or have recently given birth can experience back, hip, and knee pain. Most of the pain comes from hormones that create flexibility in joints that can compromise the stability and strength of the joint. Pain in the lower body joints can also come from the weight gain during pregnancy. Our unique program focuses on pain reduction and making patients as comfortable as possible.
All of these problems lead to increased friction and wear on the knee. This causes inflammation that results in pain in and around the knee. Sharp pain during movement can mean the knee is being severely pressed upon and the movement of the joint is not normal.
Physical therapy for pregnant patients can be one of the only ways patients feel pain relief. Lack of approved medication and other safe interventions for patients while pregnant is limited. Physical therapy can help by using soft tissue mobilization, teaching correct posture teaching safe ways to get up and down off of furniture and learning home exercise routines.