Publicationsby Kevin Kostka (Author)
How to Organically Fix Your Hip: A Guide to Naturally Healing Your Hip
This book is to the attention of anyone between the ages of 10 years old and up to 65 years old that experience pain in their hip. Are you tired of pain in your hip with sitting while at school, work, or just at the house? Do you have pain with walking or even just performing chores around the house? Or how about trying to walk the dog, exercise, and maybe even jogging? Do you want to get that hip pain under control but do not want to try injections, pain medications, or result to surgery? Well there is a natural healing approach that can help with your hip problems. This program has been designed to give you an idea of how to return to your lifestyle with some minor modifications based on your specific hip anatomy. The intent is to help with understanding the why behind what is being done. If you know the why, then you are more likely to follow the instructions, and if you follow the activities and the modifications, then you can improve your complaints and the difficulties with every day and recreational activities. Some of the activities should be modified with the knowledge that you will be learning. For example, deep squatting, repetitive activities that involve excessive hip flexion, and activities that may cause bony contact of the hip joint can continue to cause damage to the hip and thus limit your function. With the idea of how to reduce that bony contact through your better understanding of the hip anatomy and the movements that can increase pain and keep the joint irritated, you are armed with some tools to help to organically treat your hip. Even if you do have an exacerbation, then you have been given knowledge on ways to decrease that irritability, reduce muscle spasms, and trigger points. Combine that with ways to slowly stretch the tissue, improve the neuromuscular control of the deeper muscles to assist with stability, along with the strengthening of the glute max and you will begin to return back to previous function while by restarting the healing process. Ultimately having the mindset to return back to functional activities and your recreational activities over time. The human body can be tricky, and everyone is a little different and thus may not respond exactly the same. Listen to your body and be aware of how you are responding to these activities. We hope that you find this information helpful.
How to Get Rid of Your Lower Back Pain Naturally: The 3 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Handling Back Pain
There are many causes of back pain. There are 3 common causes though. With the proper diagnosis, proper hands on treatment can be performed. Each persons treatment will be different depending on what is the root cause of the lower back pain. Current literature suggests conservative treatment can be just as effective as those that opt for surgery. Conservative treatment can be more economical and less risky than the surgical option. Do not be fooled by an expensive MRI and X-ray. It turns out that some of the changes on those imaging studies are a normal part of the aging process. So why not try a conservative treatment option prior to having surgery?

Postoperative Rehabilitation of Shoulder Pathologies eBook
Postoperative Rehabilitation of Shoulder Pathologies helps rehabilitation professionals and physicians provide effective postoperative rehabilitation for various shoulder pathologies. The e-book explores 14 surgical interventions and provides a comprehensive rehabilitation protocol for each from postsurgery rest through return to play.